What is Remote?
Remote, the solution for companies looking to efficiently manage and compensate their global workforce. With our services available in 50+ countries, we handle all aspects of payroll, benefits, taxes, stock options, and compliance. Plus, with our transparent and affordable flat pricing, you can stay within budget and concentrate on growing your business. Say goodbye to percentage-based fees with Remote.
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Remote is aglobal HR solution that allows you to manage all your HR operations for employees and contractors in one easy-to-use platform. With our local legal entities in each country we serve, you can expect excellent end-to-end HR support, including payroll, benefits, and compliance. Our dedicated legal and HR experts in every country ensure the best service and protection for your business. We have transparent and low flat rates, with no hidden fees or long-term commitments. Our platform also offers built-in security and intellectual property protection to ensure that your ownership rights are always protected. With streamlined approval systems and a single invoice for all global team needs, managing documentation and invoices has never been easier. Plus, with the ability to pay global contractors in over 170 different currencies at no additional cost, Remote makes it simple and affordable for you to expand your business worldwide. Trust Remote for all your global HR needs.